User Input Functions
These functions are used to take input from the user via the terminal(or command prompt).
SRON provides four functions for it:
input_int() input_double() input_char() input_string()
1. input_int():
This function is used to take 'Int' type input from user through terminal.
Terminal :
Enter two values :- 12 13
2. input_double():
This function is used to take 'Double' type input from user through terminal.
Terminal :
Enter two values :- 12.12455 13.91249
3. input_char():
This function is used to take 'Char' type input from user through terminal.
Terminal :
Enter two values :- S @
4. input_string():
This function is used to take 'String' type input from user through terminal.
Terminal :
Enter two sentences :- Hello SRON Wassup
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